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Pedaling Pensioner trains for the Tour Divide

Updated: Jun 9

I don't know what my 70 year old body and mind are capable of but it looks like I am going to find out. This Pedaling Pensioner is flying to Calgary next week to start racing the Tour Divide on June 14th with 200 other riders. We will be headed south to the Mexican border at Antelope Wells. The ride is some 2700 miles and 160k of climbing. I am aiming to finish in 28 days. My main goal is to finish and experience some joy doing it. Unlike many of my competitors, I will try to get some sleep every night.

This ride/race will be solo and unsupported. I will be camping or finding hotels each night.

So why am I doing this now- maybe because the uncertainties of life become more obvious the older we get. There will be a time when I can’t do this ride so if not now when?

For the last 6 months I have been training and thinking about this ride. I discovered that I actually like the training and it has been a great process for me as I enter my 8th decade around the sun. I sleep more, drink less alcohol and have more energy. I have learned that putting in the hours is more important than the mileage and that I have to focus on the process, not the result.

It’s been a mental game- process vs results. I hope I can do the same on the Tour Divide.

Our son in law Ryan is also racing the Divide and we will be traveling together to the start in Banff.

You can check out our progress online

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